Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ljubljana at Last

Well, I finally made it Ljubljana after a delayed flight and nearly missing another. I ended up flying through Frankfurt instead of Munich and then barely made it to my next flight to Lju. But I did, and Zvonko and Neza (my mom's 2nd cousin and daughter) were there to meet me at the airport, although my luggage was not... But Zvonko and Neza took me to there house for lunch with Nada and Polona. They were my saviors today, showing me where I need to go for my first day of class tomorrow, getting me hooked up with a cell phone, and feeding me. I spent all afternoon at their house and met Anton, my grandma's cousin. I took a walk to the center of Lju with one of my roommates tonight. It was very beautiful. I forgot to take my camera today, but will post some pictures tomorrow. Today I learned that the normal speed limit is around 80 mph, and everyone drives very fast with their little cars. That explains why all those European foreigners in America drive so hemmm...

....And my apartment...... is old.

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