Yes, I came without a job, I came without knowing anyone here, but I do have a place to live :) I am living in a house, only 2 miles from the coast of Oregon, with five other awesome people. The ages in the house range from 25-70, and we share the kitchen and living room. I'f you'd like to send me letters, (Thank goodness I won't need peanut butter shipped in this time...), my address is 35600 13th St. Nehalem, Oregon 97131.
Views from Hwy 101, only 10 minutes from my house.
Heading down the Oregon Coast Trail...
Manzanita Beach and beyond. The small body of water (not the ocean!), in the center of the picture, is the Nehalem Bay, near where I live.
Another day of yellow flowers....
This is a view from the front of my house.
Here is it! (Although hidden by flowers!)
And now, the back of the house...
And a view from the back. This is a view of the Nehalem Bay State Park. We have a path that leads from our house to the park. Although you can't see them here, there is usually a herd of elk gathered in the grass. And apparently, sometimes they walk up to our house, and past my bedroom window.
Najlepša hvala...
dobrodošli! (if that was for me :)...)
My aunt and cousins go to Manzanita every year!!! How exciting!!! It is so beautiful in Oregon!!!!
You moved from CLE to Oregon?
And we just wanted to surptise you in CLE!
OK!OK! we'll postpone the surprise.
The Shrek family
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