Zivjo! I haven't written for several days! My classes officially began on Tuesday this week (ok, I accidentially slept through the first one...), but I really love it. The class meets Monday through Friday from 9-12:30 and there are eight people in my class. There is one other girl from America, one from Japan, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico, and two from Argentina. None of them have any Slovenian in their blood, expect for the two from Argentina. Most of them had never heard of potica!?! Since I had been studying up on my Slovene before I came here, I feel like I'm ahead of everyone a bit. I have two teachers that switch on and off, and they are very very good.
So on hmmm...Wednesday? Yes Wednesday, Polona and Neza took me to BTC, which is a HUGE shopping mall. The biggest in this whole middle area of Europe. Stuff does seem very expensive here, I paid 2.55 eu ($3.75) for a tube of toothpaste probably about half the size of our toothpaste. And they don't eat peanut butter here, which is an issue. But I was able to find a jar and paid 3 eu ($4.50) for a tiny little jar. Then we went to a little restaurant where we had this amazing pizza. Now that was only 1.90 eu for a huge slice.

mmmm hmmm. Then we headed back to the Perovsek household, where the girls entertained me with popular Slovene music and Polona and Zvonko polka danced in their tiny kitchen. Good times.
Yesterday I took a hike up to the Ljubljana castle which is located on Castle Hill overlooking the city. You can barely see it in this picture hiding behind the trees.

Hisa is "house" in Slovene.

My hike up to the castle was pretty steep, and
right on the edge of a cliff.

The castle was built in the 1100's but was almost completely
demolished in the 15th century and rebuilt.

My view of the city from the castle. Pretttttty amazing.

Walking near the river.

One thing I will never understand about Slovenians is that even when it is only 0 degrees C (32 fahrenheit), they love to sit outside to drink and smoke. Terraces are packed.

Check out what this woman is purchasing at a vending machine.
That's right. Milk. Buy an empty glass bottle and have it filled. I think there is probably a cow inside all hooked up to be milked when you make your purchase....
OMG! Becca! I see you're falling in love with Slovenia. and I can see why! The buildings, the roads - everything is just like a postcard!
The peanut butter reserves are coming! Feel free to steal some from my giant jar in the pantry... and my mom gave me another Sam's club-sized jar to bring back today.
Thank goodness. My mom was going to ship me some!
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