Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Never Stop Exploring...

I think my 25 minute drive to work, down Hwy 101, is one of the most beautiful and scenic routes ever.  It's hard to concentrate on the road ahead of me...

Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach.

On the hike down to Oswald Beach.

Oswald Beach, where many surfers can be seen in these rough waters. 

The lighthouse at Cape Meares. 
It was built in 1889 and is the smallest lighthouse in Oregon. 
Check here for more info. 

"The Octopus Tree"
This sitka spruce tree is between 250-300 years old.  It is a mystery of how it grew like this, but it is believed to have been a ceremonial site for Tillamook Tribes and was shaped to hold cedar canoes.  

This is the largest sitka spruce in Oregon.
But, at 144 feet tall and almost 800 years old, the top has broken off,
 but because of it's large diameter, it is still the largest in Oregon.

A rare day of blue sky and sun in Manzanita.  Believe me, this is rare...

I <3 sLovenia, even in Manzanita...

Oh clouds, I'm getting sick of you...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taking a Look Back at Venice...

Don't worry, I haven't moved to Venice...  But when my mom and Victor were visiting, we did get to go to Venice (I think this was on May 21st).  Our tour guide, Zvonko, as well as Nada, Polona, Neza, and Vic all came along.  We had an amazing time, went up into the bell tower in St. Mark's Square, ate pizza, and rode the ferry.


Zvonko, Nada, Polona, and Neza

Silly Victor.

The Family:
Polona, Nada, Neza, me, Zvonko, mom, Victor

The newest way to walk your dog...
(Yes, it's alive.)

Check out this awesome video of our Venice trip made by Neza:

good-bye Venice.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I love you, Ljubljana, but I've found somplace new...

Yes, it's true my friends, I moved to Oregon.  I know many of you may not of heard until I was already gone, or maybe you are finding out right now by reading this.  But after being home for two weeks, I figured it was time to move on....

Yes, I came without a job, I came without knowing anyone here, but I do have a place to live   :)   I am living in a house, only 2 miles from the coast of Oregon, with five other awesome people.  The ages in the house range from 25-70, and we share the kitchen and living room.  I'f you'd like to send me letters, (Thank goodness I won't need peanut butter shipped in this time...), my address is 35600 13th St.  Nehalem, Oregon 97131. 

Views from Hwy 101, only 10 minutes from my house.

Heading down the Oregon Coast Trail...

Manzanita Beach and beyond.  The small body of water (not the ocean!), in the center of the picture, is the Nehalem Bay, near where I live. 

Another day of yellow flowers....

 This is a view from the front of my house.

Here is it!  (Although hidden by flowers!)

And now, the back of the house...

And a view from the back.  This is a view of the Nehalem Bay State Park.  We have a path that leads from our house to the park.  Although you can't see them here, there is usually a herd of elk gathered in the grass.  And apparently, sometimes they walk up to our house, and past my bedroom window. 

 NajlepÅ¡a hvala...